A rousing "Howdy Readers" to you this Autumn Morning in Central Texas. I hope that you are enjoying the wonderful crispness of the air as well as the apples appearing in the markets! Lots of apple cider being made these days for the harvest festivals popping up around the countryside.
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A rest in the hammock! |
I was excited to move on to Chapter 6 in the book of Matthew yesterday. I am using The Promise Study Edition (Gods word in your words - Contemporary English Version) of the Bible. I usually use the NIV but chose this because it is so easy to understand; and, I must admit, I just like it.
Chapter 6 is filled with information on prayer (The Lord's Prayer is here!), fasting, treasures in heaven, light, money, and worry. Yep, all in one chapter!! Golly gee, the book of Matthew is one awesome handbook on being one of Jesus' own!!
"When you go to pray, go into a room alone and close the door. Pray to your Father in private. He knows what is done in private, and he will reward." ~~Matthew 6:6 In one of the classes I facilitated at church, one of the women went through a painful divorce and converted her husband's closet into her prayer closet. I had the opportunity to see it and it was pretty awesome. If you don't pray and want to learn, check out The Lords Prayer in verse 9-13 and make it your own.
When I have a particular issue that is bothering me beyond the norm and I desire a spiritual breakthrough OR when I am prompted by my Heavenly Father, I fast. The longest I have fasted was four days; now, because of blood sugar issues, I am only able to fast for the good portion of a day. Funny how real "hunger" becomes when you go without eating a few meals! I am reminded how focused my mind became on food even when I chose not to eat. It is true though - after the hunger pangs go away, there is a clearing of the mind...
Treasures in Heaven
"Your heart will always be where your treasure is."~~Matthew 6:21 Are your treasures on earth? All I have to do is visit Mom in the nursing home where she has a small bed, nightstand, chest, TV, and a chair to know that all the stuff we accumulate during our lifetime can disappear as we reach the end of our days. If I want an attitude adjustment, I go see her and all my troubles seem to become very insignificant.
"...If the light inside you is dark, you surely are in the dark."~~Matthew 6:33 My former husband was nicknamed Black Heart by members of a Pathways Group. He had so much resentment and anger inside of him from being severely abused as a small child. It broke my heart to see him suffer and struggle to know the Lord. I hope before he passed away he found peace. I keep the porch light on for those who care to join me on my journey ... And, I allow the light of the Lord Jesus to shine in every corner of my being. I no longer live a shame based life! I am victorious in Christ!!
"...You cannot serve God and money."~~Matthew 6:24 Earning, saving, and having money is not bad. The Lord encourages us to work hard, save, AND give a portion back to him. God needs to come first, simple as that. What are we using our money for? When we can answer that question, we will know the answer.
Oh, this is a good one ... especially for Miss Dottie the Worrywart!! "I tell you not to worry about your life."~~Matthew 6:25 You must understand, I was a control freak. My life was so out of control that I needed to keep a tight grip on everyone and everything. If it was to be, it was up to me. Now, I realize that I have a part in controlling myself; however, I am NOT to play God and do his work. As a mother, this was an area where I needed a lot of work. Mothers have a hard time because they love their children and want them to succeed - we've all heard the adage, "Mother knows best!!" It was hard for me to let go of my children and allow them to fail. It took God sending many different people into my life to remind me to "Stop!" This is an area of my life I work on every day. Let go and let God is a slogan I keep handy!!
I worked with a Christian therapist for a short time in 2004 - Dr. John B. He gave me the best advice ever ... "Dottie, do the next right thing today and your tomorrows will take care of themselves." From that day forward, I started doing that. I make my days count by living in the light, doing my part to make sure that I am on track, then leave the tomorrows alone... Funny how different my outlook has become.
My time of solitude and prayer has been exhilarating! My chest isn't so heavy and my outlook not so bleak! I know that we all have busy lives; but, we need to remember that when life gets in the way of our peace, it's time to STOP and take a breather. As for me, I think I'll go and smell some of those proverbial roses. My rose bushes have started blooming again ... how about that!! Maybe it was that fertilizer I sprinkled over them and my words of "Grow roses grow!!"
Michael and I are headed out for the day. We're going to visit some antique shops and maybe, just maybe, we'll happen upon a stand selling homemade apple cider! Now wouldn't that be something!!
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS Smile and the world smiles with you! Let YOUR light shine within you so that all can see you are a child of the living God!!
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Awww! See what I mean?! |
Awwww - cute photo! Your prayers, study, and blog are enlightening...makes me want to revisit the Bible on a daily basis like I did in 2008. Since I don't like sitting, I find audible versions of books fit into my life easily. I appreciate that you mention different versions of the Bible as this will help my quest to find an audible version that will offer the most benefit.
ReplyDeleteLove you~
p.s. Goooooo Cowboys :)